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Learning environment

Learning environment

Develop your qualities and learn from each other!

Do you want to be part of the learning and living community of a school? That is possible and we would like to! At our schools we see you as a (future) colleague. You are very welcome and we would like to get to know you. You will soon be one of us. Especially if you are open to it yourself! Our learning environment is therefore super fun and interesting!

Your learning environment

The formal learning environment consists of your learning workplace as a teacher in the classes and the guidance and training you receive from certified WPB’ers, SO’ers and IDE’ers. In addition, the Trion workplace curriculum is the common thread for all students in the school. This workplace curriculum consists of intervision moments (with video feedback), theme meetings and learning together in learning groups.

What is a learning group?

Learning together in a learning group is important. You learn from each other and you learn from new and/or more experienced teachers.

We distinguish four basic principles for learning together in a learning group in the context of training:

  1. the student does not have to be able to do everything right away (scaffolding);
  2. the workplace supervisor models the behaviour, explains their approach and the underlying choice process (modelling);
  3. the workplace counselor makes their own practical knowledge base accessible to the student and can be discussed (sharing),
  4. the central focus is always on gaining insight into the learning processes of (individual) students in their own classes/lessons (focusing).


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