Some Trion schools offer a specific professionalisation trajectory in year 2: Learning together in a video club.
This internal school trajectory of 6 meetings is intended for starters in their 2nd year at school and for experienced colleagues who need a structured form to take a closer look at their own practice. If you are a side entrant or part-time flexible student, then this form of professionalisation together in the school will probably suit you as well.
The focus in this trajectory is on (learning) peer coaching, working with video feedback, clarifying your personal learning question and approaching an intervention in your own teaching practice from an investigative attitude.
The mix in the learning group of experienced and starting colleagues, different professional disciplines, young and old, makes this a special process for both your personal development as a teacher, but also for the development of the learning culture in the school as a whole.
Ask the school trainer and/or coaches of your school about this process.